UV-C Diving Emitters TL-System




The UV-diving emitters acts in order to sterilize water in air washers, fountains, cisterns, tanks and humidification systems.

The unit can be assembled or retrofitted with few movements. The watertight emitter, assembled on a stainless steel plate, gets mounted or on the bottom of the receptacle or either, in case of certain applications, floating without any plate.


The STERILSYSTEMS diving emitters are made of stainless steel and accomplished as watertight. The tube of the diving lamp is sealed up and screwed in the stainless steel case. The diving emitter gets fixed by spring terminals on a stainless steel fixture.

The pre-switch electronics, properly attuned to the emitter, is included in the delivery contents and can be integrated in a switchboard. Consequently an access or function control during the operation of the unit are warranted. The fuse protection by a GFCI ground fault circuit interrupter is necessary.

  • long life emitters

    The lifetime of high-power radiation is 16.000h – Quality you can rely on.

  • Variable cable length
  • The cable between the lamp and ballast can be extended on request on 6 or 10 m.
  • Simply installation and maintenance

    in existing plants and water pools with the help of a stainless steel plate or directly to the vessel. The exchange can be done by the customer himself.

  • Food industry

    Pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries
    System of baths and garden ponds (containment biological growth)

Type TL 300 TL 400 TL 810
Material casing Edelstahl V4A
Emitter Amalgam or Hg UV-C-Strahler ST1 16.000h High Efficiency
Power with Amalgam 55 W 110 W
Power with Hg 13 W 18 W 40 W
Voltage 230 V +/- 105 50-60Hz

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